MiniSIMS and SIMS range

The Award winning alpha MiniSIMS is a complete entry level desktop surface analysis system incorporating a quadrupole mass analyser and Liquid Metal Ion Source and capable of operating in all 3 SIMS modes. At modest costs per sample, the ALPHA is ideal for routine monitoring of low numbers of elemental and organic surface species and industrial QA applications.

Replacing the quadrupole of the ALPHA with a Time of Flight (ToF) mass analyser gives the MiniSIMS-ToF superior performance in many departments e.g.
Mass Range
Mass resolution
Acquisition Efficiency
Retrospective analysis
The last point implies no "a priori" assumptions are needed about sample composition before undertaking
imaging and profiling experiments.
The result is a powerful R&D or FA tool for surface analysis.

When your application requires very high (sub micron) spatial resolution or a choice of Primary ions, the MidiSIMS-ToF-HR is the perfect solution for cost effective high speed analysis. Active antivibration and high resolution dc primary ion guns allow superior imaging resolution to be achieved at much higher duty cycles than in traditional "pulsed primary" systems.